Sabtu, 21 Februari 2015

Petrify The Colour Pentameter Own The Beni Have Been bargained [by] Rp 40 Million Bangka Post.

Petrify by the name of Pentameter of Warnah of champion View have 3 storey;level of National of class of Pictorial akik nagasui  Crystal [in] Field [of] [at] January 2015 then.

Beni Owner petrify to tell the akik batu nagasui  coming from that garut can get the champion [of] because owning excess from [at] other competitor akik batu nagasui  [at] contest petrify National [in] Field town.

 " Petrify that own the colour equipment, object clarity, owning translucent 70 gratuity, and arranged in layers [by] the silver silver which dikasi crom, making [it] can juara,"ujar Beni of Chief of Toll and Duty of Town Pangkalpinang [of] To Bangkapos . com, Wednesday ( 4/2/2015).

He also mention that akik batu nagasui  [in] earning from friend of humanity of pecinta akik batu nagasui  coming garut.

: " At that time kan often follow the contest and a lot of getting friend of humanity pecinta petrify from garut offering that akik batu nagasui  to I. Its akik batu nagasui  [is] direct [in] earning from dig place," continue nya

Mr. that two people also offer if there [is] which wish to buy or barter the akik batu nagasui  of its property colour pentameter.

: " I also open the offer or barter if there [is] that interested, previously petrify have [in] bargaining 40 juta,"kata Beni.

Kilau Mulia Batu Nusantara

Reportage 6 Liputan6.Com.

Far before recognizing aksara [of] human being have chummy by immeasurable [of] august akik batu nagasui  type. One of inmost side satisfying form [of] human being soul, esthetics. Some type petrify nowadays become the symbol of somebody status.

Jakarta Gems Center ( JGC). This Place become the heaven for pecinta and hunter of[is beauty [of] experienced akik batu nagasui . JGC [in] Transparent Bog, Jatinegara, this Jakarta East become one of biggest august akik batu nagasui  expense center [in] South-East Asia [of] besides [in] White Elephant Country, Thailand.

Monetary circulation [is] here spelled out members fanciful reach the Rp 10 milliard [of] per day. august akik batu nagasui  pamour as magnet for all circle. Partly trust [through/ passing] august akik batu nagasui , presstige can be got.

Nothing;There is no sure size measure. frequent akik nagasui  price multiply the melawan common sense. result of this Olahan earth stomach can be esteemed till hundreds of million rupiah.

Will do not recognize the time, all august pencinta akik batu nagasui  forbear staying have a chat with the block and item of[is full (of) colour. august akik batu nagasui  fever non eye of esthetics accomplishment. Partly believe this hobby open the invesment opportunity.

Partly society mention [it] akik nagasui . But there [is] more fluent with the title aji akik batu nagasui . Petrify this high valuable (it) is true because created from natural process during hundreds of million year.

2 The last year, akik nagasui  progressively get the special place [in] society. experienced akik batu nagasui  block transform to become the new locomotive [of] economic impeller. Reason moving hand of advantage hunter to penetrate the earth stomach even soul [of] it is possible that its bet.

[Is] such as those which happened [in] Caringin and Bungbulang, Garut, West Java. that 2 Area [is] known as [by] a green akik batu nagasui  producer and colour pentameter.

Colour pentameter represent the akik nagasui  with the hardness storey;level reach 4 till 7 scale mohs. becoming directive mount the hardness petrify [is] mineral content.

[Do] not like its name, colour pentameter can own more than 5 colour. Do not seldom with the certain motif make the akik batu nagasui  [of] this type of falsified difficult. As does green akik batu nagasui  [of] Garut Ohen.

particoloured pamour [of] origin Garut progressively stomach. One special place [in] august akik batu nagasui  devotee eye become the property of family Edong.

Non gratuitously coherent name Edong with the particoloured akik batu nagasui  [of] origin Garut. [In] farm own the particoloured family Edong akik batu nagasui  [is] first time found.

Determining august akik batu nagasui  mining hole non case promiscuously. Need the special ritual utilize to obtain;get the special akik batu nagasui . Confidence non-stoped to be holded [by] this Dad Edong family for the shake of satisfying result and safety.

Dabble during 2 a decay more, Dad Edong recognized [by] the expert in determining dot of mining hole. About 20 hole disseminate [in] hillside for the width of 1 hectare own the Dad Edong.

With the simple equipments, 4 till 5 mineworker people undermine the dig hole. Need the energy and patience [of] extra because nothing;there is no certainty when this august akik batu nagasui  laid bare.

[In] Regency Garut, West Java [of] there are hundreds of hole of akik nagasui  dig. A number of society in large numbers hunt the special akik batu nagasui  estimated [by] its content reach the 9 of that thousand meter cubic ton.

To all mineworker, price sell the particoloured akik batu nagasui  block (it) is true disproportionately with the effort and its risk. To 1 kilogram of block of mean quality which can yield 50 ring fruit esteemed [by] the Rp 2,5 million.

But in a block petrify [is] sometimes met [by] the high valuable shares reach tens of million rupiah [of] per its item.

Do not only [in] Regency Garut, West Java. Almost entire/all provinsi in Indonesia own the akik batu nagasui  with the beauty [of] and keunikan [of] each.

Indonesia very rich akik batu nagasui  manner will be august because residing in areal meeting 3 big plate tektonik, namely Indo-Australia, Eurasia, and pasifik. Jajaran Volcano which unfolding from West till Indonesia East make each;every Fatherland region own the august keragaman akik batu nagasui .

Penasaran [of] how the akik batu nagasui s process start from mining till worth million rupiah [in] marketing. And any kind of Indonesian august akik batu nagasui  type? Witnessing as complete as video ' Make A Picture To Penetrate the Boundary SCTV' Monday edition ( 2/2/2015) hereunder. ( Nfs / riz)

Indonesia very rich august akik batu nagasui  manner because residing in areal meeting 3 big plate tektonik, namely Indo-Australia, Eurasia, and pasifik.

History of akik nagasui  Garut Till Closely [in] Finger of Prince of Charles VIVA.CO.ID.

Green akik nagasui  and petrify the particoloured type [of] Garut, West Java represent two august akik batu nagasui  type exeed and most hunted [by] [is] a august akik batu nagasui  collector [of] world though its price [is] sky.

In fact, popularitas both types of petrify have been happened [by] since governmental epoch [of] Dutch colonial [of] about year 1878.

Even, particoloured and green akik nagasui  have started exploited [by] Dutch [in] that scorpion.

its proof that august akik batu nagasui  have been transported in number which is a lot of using train condense the target of Subdistrict Cikajang until Subdistrict Cibatu and continued [by] train of majors Batavia ( Jakarta in this time).

A collector petrify the Garut, Maman Sufarman narrate the, particoloured and green akik batu nagasui  Garut even [is] also brought till to Dutch and Europe as evidence that land product [of] Indonesia abundance.

: " As concrete fact [of] green akik batu nagasui  [of] good Garut Quality [is] which can compete with the Russia emerald [is] green akik batu nagasui  [of] Garut which wear the ring of prince Charles. green akik batu nagasui  Ring [of] the English Nob bought from Dutch at the price of bermiliar-miliar [of] if rupiah”, word Maman.

Little Finger of Pangerang Charles Decorated [By] The Daily akik nagasui  Edong Garut Publish.

akik nagasui  or glorify from Garut in the reality have famous [in] foreign countries. Its quality do not fail with the rock from outside country [of] like giok, safir, and diamond.

Except that trust, paying attention to little finger of Prince Charles from United Kingdom. Over there closely beautifully ring petrify the endong or [is] particoloured the than Garut.

What imposed [by] that English king candidate can become the evidence, quality of akik nagasui  or glory of Indonesia origin, specially Garut. Equally, original glory or akik nagasui  [of] Indonesia, do not fail nicely from overseas akik batu nagasui .

: " August akik batu nagasui  [is] we have penetrated the international market,” word of Suwandi Gazali, penggagas even  have international scale [to] that is Indonesia of Gemakik batu nagasui  Competition.

Petrify the Garut Edong referred [as] particoloured also because owning five colour in one akik batu nagasui , likely represent the abstraction painting [of] [at] akik batu nagasui  and there [is] also mentioning akik batu nagasui  Draw Edong, as respect to Accumulator Edong finding the rock [in] location panggalian at elbow its house

Result of survey [done/conducted] [by] Team IGS. Petrify the Ijo garut and Pentameter of Colour Garut represent one of very hunted rock [at] Gemlovers, and also all collector [in] fatherland.

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